The dinner will take place on Friday, May 19th at 8 PM at the Grand ballroom, a block from the Convention Center.
Grand Ballroom
1215 J St, Sacramento, CA 95814
You can buy tickets at
The 2016 elections may be over, but our political revolution continues! We've #DemEntered or #DemStayed and we are ready to work and fight to turn the Democratic Party into a truly grassroots, small-d-democratic and truly progressive party that represents workers and regular families -- the 99 percent. But first, it's time to break bread with our compañeros , re-establish friendships, build new ones, and just have fun!
Doors open at 7 p.m. Dinner starts at 8 p.m.
A Middle Eastern buffet with plenty of veggie options. Non-alcoholic drinks are included. Wine & beer available for purchase.
Rep. Ro Khanna will join us if he can make it back in time after morning votes. Khanna is a newly elected and Bernie-supporting progressive congressmember from Silicon Valley.
Gus Newport, former Berkeley Mayor, Bernie Delegate to the DNC and member of the Unity Commission
Heidi Harmon, newly elected Mayor of San Luis Obispo and Bernie Delegate to the DNC
more to come
Berniecrats running for party and caucus offices will have the opportunity to *briefly* introduce themselves.
Tickets are $20 for regular Berniecrats and $27 for those who feel the Bern so much that they want to help subsidize discounted tickets. Thanks to those extra $7s and a couple of donations, a LIMITED number of $10 tickets will be available for those who can't afford more. Children under 10 are free but please e-mail us and let us know how many children you are bringing so we can accommodate everyone. If you are not able to afford even the $10 ticket, please e-mail us and let us know. We want all revolutionary Berniecrats attending the Convention to come!
This dinner is hosted by:
- Margarita Lacabe and Zach Denney, in representation of all the Berners ready to revolutionize the California Democratic Party,
- Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento club
- Our Revoution
- California Nurses Association
Help me Bern! tickets are made possible due to the generous contributions of the California Nurses Association, Rep. Ro Khanna and Berners like you. Many thanks to Bernie delegate Stephanie Quilao for helping organize this event.
Feel the Bern and see you in Sacramento!