Please mark your calendar for Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento’s monthly meeting on June 25th!
We will get back to business with our conversations on various progressive issues.
Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, June 25, 2015
6:30pm (doors open at 6:15pm)
South Natomas Library
2901 Truxel Rd, Sacramento, 95833 [MAP]
Let us know if you can make it:
We will be talking about Congressman Ami Bera’s recent betrayal votes on the TPP trade bill in congress. We will hear from a labor leader and also Amar Shergill, a leader in the Sikh-American community.
We will also vote on some proposed bylaws changes. You can read them here. We will be voting on Article VI, Section F (Selection of Representatives to California Democratic Party (CDP) Pre-Endorsing Conferences). The text is color-coded in blue.
We are also having a membership drive! You may have gotten a call or email from one of our members asking you to renew your membership. If so, you can do so by clicking right here.
We look forward to seeing everyone next week!
Moe Sarama