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Wellstone April 23rd Meeting

Greetings Progressives,

This is a friendly reminder letting you know that the Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento’s monthly meeting is right around the corner! This week we get back to business with our fun progressive discussions and conversations. As usual, we’ve got a great line-up of topics!

Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento

General Membership Meeting

Thursday, April 23, 2015
(doors open at 6pm)

Colonial Heights Library
4799 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento [MAP]

Let us know if you can make it:

We have several speakers and presentations on local, state and national progressive issues on our agenda this month that include:

  • A report back and discussion on the Fight for 15 movement
  • Update on the 'Stop the TTP' movement and meetings with local elected officials
  • A presentation and discussion of free speech on California campuses by UC Davis Jewish and Palestinian Students.

A presentation on the on the new Senate bill SCR35 (click on link below for text).

  • Basim Elkarra 's campaign and bigotry tactics by his opponent. We will also talk about volunteer opportunities including a phone bank night and walking for Basim.
  • Additional agenda items will include an update on the recent city council race.

Join us for light refreshments and an exciting presentations and discussion.

See you Thursday!

Moe Sarama
President, Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento