Save the date for the annual Wellstone Oktoberfest!
Friday, October 16, 2015
Doors open 6:00 - 10:00 PM (Dinner served 7 - 9 PM)
Sierra 2 Center
2791 24th St
Sacramento 95818 [MAP]
Please let us know if you are coming:
Tickets include dinner, pretzels and dessert!
Buy your individual tickets here:
• $25 per person
• $35 includes Wellstone club membership (save 50% off yearly dues! We'll add 12 months to the end of your current membership for existing members)
• $10 kids 12 & under
If you'd rather buy tickets in person, send an email to and we'll get some to you.
Bring your friends for some delicious handmade sausage from Sacramento’s own Morant’s Old-Fashioned Sausage Kitchen, rotisserie chicken, or a vegan option, plus potatoes and gravy, German potato salad, sauerkraut, red cabbage, pretzels and desserts, all prepared by Wellstone members!
The crowning glory will be great German beer, of course, and the fun atmosphere of festive music, contests and prize drawings will add to the merriment!
Best of all, the evening features the good company of our progressive community. Wellstone Progressive Democrats stands for the qualities for which the late Sen. Paul Wellstone was best known: his compassion, his perseverance and his fights for a broad range of social justice issues, including workers’ rights, anti-war efforts, the environment, healthcare, mental illness, domestic violence and progressive immigration policies.
Check out some of our great drawing prizes that you will have a chance to win:
Sacramento Kings tickets and parking pass. 2 tickets to see the Sacramento Kings take on the Detroit Pistons on Wednesday, Nov. 11th at Sleep Train Arena. The tickets are in section 213, just 2 rows behind Kings’ radio announcer, Gary Gerould. Includes the season ticket holder’s prepaid parking pass for that game.
Click the link below for gift certificates and even more great prizes:
A big Thank You to our current Oktoberfest Sponsors!!
Gregg Fishman
Ricky Ric Barreto
Roger Dickinson
Bill Magavern & Sara Nichols
Mike Whiteside
Bob Dreizler
Dave Tamayo
Sacramento Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Elk Grove-South County Democratic Club
JFK Democratic Club of Sacramento County
You can help strengthen Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento for another year as a leading progressive voice in the Sacramento area. Please consider a sponsorship at one of the following levels:
Thuringer level ($100) – two tickets, listing on event signs as a sponsor; acknowledgement on Facebook events page and Wellstone email blasts. First round of drinks free!
Bierkrug level ($200) – four tickets, listing on event signs, Facebook events page, Wellstone blasts, speaking time at the event, and first round of drinks on the haus!
Wiesn Meister level ($500) – six tickets, listing on event signs, Facebook events page, Wellstone blasts, extended speaking time at the event, tableside service, and two rounds of drinks on the haus!
Special Bierzelt level for chartered Democratic clubs and progressive organizations ($175) – Eight tickets for the price of seven for a club to have its own table!
For sponsorships, contact Eric Sunderland at 916.612.1678 / ericregion3 AT
Or send checks, payable to Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento, to 1033 S Street, Suite 200, Sacramento 95811. Please indicate your dinner choices.
(Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. FPPC ID # is 1356343.)