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Wellstone October 22 Meeting

The October meeting of the Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento will be held on

Thursday, Oct. 22, 6:30pm
South Natomas Library
2901 Truxel Road
Sacramento, CA 95833

Tonight’s program will include feedback on our Oktoberfest event, as well as a review of the first DNC Presidential debate and observations on where things stand in the presidential race.

In addition, we’ll cover the alarming escalation of violence and incitement to even more in Israel/Palestine. The events there have had a far reaching effect, with mass protests calling for an end to occupation happening globally.

The latest in the KJ saga has gone ‘big time’, ala the NYT:  http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/22/us/mayor-kevin-johnson-sacramento-sex-abuse-accusation.html   Kerri Asbury, Sacramento County Democratic Party Chair, will share her experiences with the media whirlwind surrounding the activities of the mayor, as well as speak about the impact the story is having on local politics and the rising power of victims of sexual harassment.

This is also the last meeting before Wellstone’s officer elections next month, so expect to see some nominations tonight in addition to those which may come next month. We accept nominations up to the time of elections.

All in all, it will be another lively meeting, complete with refreshments and snacks.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Wellstone Steering Committee