Now that Trump is out of office, the hard work begins. What will the future of the progressive movement in general, and Wellstone in particular, look like in the Biden era? We cannot know for certain but what we can know is what we expect out of our club and ourselves. Now is the time to reflect on the successes and setbacks of the past 4 years and think about the future.
We need to hear from you, our members, about your expectations for the club in the years ahead. What do you think we should be focusing on? How should we go about it? These are questions only you can answer. We are dedicating our March program to answering these questions and using the answers to develop a path forward.
March Membership Meeting Agenda
Date: March 4, 2021
Location: Zoom (Emailed to you on 3/3/21)
- Adoption of Agenda
- Program
- The Path Forward (See Above)
- Approval of Minutes
- Draft February Minutes
- Board, Officer, and Committee Reports
- Treasurer
- Correspondence
- Political
- Legislative
- New Business
- Announcements
- Adjournment