Thursday, April 28, 2016
This month's location:
Southside Park Cohousing Community Room
Behind 440 T Street (go down walkway, then look for sign)
Sacramento, CA
6:30 - 9 pm
Doors open at 6:00
WHO AFTER KJ?: Big changes are coming in the mayor's office; a new era is dawning. Big and not-so-big-names are in the hat. We'll discuss and vote on who we think can move us forward.
IS ALLEN RIGHT IN 2nd DISTRICT?: Crime is up and residents are feeling left out by the incumbent. Is there someone who could do a better job for the north city district? We've been checking out the candidates and will share our findings, then we'll all vote on who to endorse.
TWIN RIVERS REDO: A lot of Wellstoners worked their, excuse the term, butts off for a candidate who narrowly lost a special election last time around after a down and dirty last minute slur. Now it's round two.
COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE: What direction will our Democratic Central Committee take? Greater responsiveness to peoples' needs, like affordable, effective transit and better public education for all? Or do we need a more business friendly environment? There is a progressive option this year!
Please join us for snacks, conversation and collaboration ...
RSVP here:
BONUS! In recognition of the warming relations between the Cuban people and we Americans, the Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento County will have a free organic Aji Cubanelle pepper plant for the first 32 attendees who want one. The Cubanelle, a Caribbean staple rarely seen out west, is on the sweet side, with just a hint a heat. We will also be offering other heirloom peppers, heirloom tomatoes and organic herb starts for a $1.50 donation, which will go into our candidate fund. Plants donated by Singing Frog Farm.