April General Membership Meeting
Date Thursday, April 1, 2021
Time 7 - 9 PM
Place Virtual Zoom meeting - link to be sent out soon
Joshua Cameron has recently stepped down as our Wellstone President. The Executive Board of Wellstone Democratic Club would like to acknowledge and thank him for his service to our club over the years and wish him well on his new endeavors. We will be having an election at the upcoming April 1st meeting to fill our vacant positions.
Currently the President, Recording Secretary, Organizational Development, and Finance/Fundraising positions are open.
The Executive Board is happy to announce that our previous Political Director, David Hildebrand, is running for the President position. Any member in good standing is free to run for this position or for any of the open positions. Our Executive Board works collaboratively to continue our mission of educating, electing, and supporting Progressives and progressive issues in the Sacramento region. If you are interested in serving on any of the open positions, please feel free to contact corresponding@WellstoneDems.Club or you can nominate yourself from the floor at the April 1st meeting.
Before the election, we will be having a presentation on CalCare, AB 1400, by our own, Phil Kim. Phil has been a Community Organizer with the California Nurses Association for the past 3 years, and CNA is sponsoring this bill. The Legislative Committee recommended to support/endorse AB1400 at our March meeting and that recommendation passed with unanimous consent.
Wellstone General Membership Meeting Agenda
April 1, 2021
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: via Zoom
1 Adoption of the Agenda
2. Program
CalCare by Phil KIm, Community Organizer with California Nurses Association
3. Adoption of the minutes
4. Board, Officer, and Committee Reports
Communications Secretary
Political Affairs
5. New Business
a. President
1. David Hildebrand
b. Recording Secretary
c. Organizational Development
d. Finance/Fundraising
6. Announcements
7. Adjournment