Vigil on Wed., Dec. 21, 2016, 5:30 p.m.
State Capitol, west steps
Join Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP – and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR as we say No to Islamophobia, No to racism and YES to justice!
JVP’s Network against Islamophobia will be rekindling our commitment to justice in Sacramento and in 30 other cities across the country, on the solstice and days before Hanukka, the Jewish festival of light.
Now, more than ever, on the shortest day of the year, after a dark election season, we must pledge to challenge injustice and build a society rooted in love and dignity for all peoples and communities.
Hundreds of participants will hold electronic “candles” as others display and read aloud from candle-imaged posters stating specific commitments against hate and for justice, one for each of the eight nights of Hanukka.
Alongside, we will display and recite teachings from Islam’s tradition of commitment to peace and justice.
All are welcome: Jews, Muslims, people of other faiths, atheists … everyone dedicated to standing up against Islamophobia and racism in all their forms.