We need to boost our numbers so we can have the political clout to win things like single payer healthcare, a fracking ban, and tuition-free college.
Join or renew your Wellstone membership!
(You can pay dues or waive for hardship. Email your name, address, and phone number to Patricia at patricia459 [AT] yahoo.com to waive dues.)
Sponsorship Levels of Resistance
$10 - Young Turk (Student/Discount Membership)
-> Get a Bumper Sticker
$20 - Activist (Regular Membership)
-> Get a Bumper Sticker
$50 - Revolutionary
-> Get a Bumper Sticker
-> Get a Plastic Megaphone
$150 - Aggressive Progressive
-> Get a Bumper Sticker
-> Get a Plastic Megaphone
-> Get 2 Tickets to Wellstone Oktoberfest
Join here or make a check out to "Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento" and send it to 1033 S Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95811. Vote on the sticker idea in the Facebook poll.